Monday, November 26, 2012

Rhetoricsl Analysis 3

In the essay “Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt”: Advertisement and Violence written by Jean Kilbourne, she is explaining how women are affected by advertisement in magazines, television and other various sources of media through ads. Kilbourne’s purpose is to expose marketing advertisement that illustrate pornographic like ads and make aware how it could promote violence in relationships, how it also victimizes women on these ads to attract men to buy the marketing product. She takes a deep tour into the different ads like alcohol, jeans, perfume and other products that victimize women, yet most of us become numb to these images. Kilbourne states “men conquer and women ensnare”, that women are used as bait for men in these ads for the mere purpose of selling the stimulating product (575).
Kilbourne explains many cases in which ads dehumanize people but more so the women bodies, assembling a common attitude that could potentially lead to sexual aggression. She claims: “Sex in advertising is more about disconnection and distance than connection and closeness. It is also more about power than passion, about violence than violins. The main goal, as in pornography, is usually the power over another, either by physical dominance or preferred status of men or what is seen as the exploitive power of female beauty and women sexuality”(575). It would be unthinkable to have children confined with this type of environment, yet it is spreading vigorously. For example, through video games and the World Wide Web, Kilbourne says that: “children have easy access to pornography… explicit photographs of women having intercourse…photographs of women being raped and tortured…” (596). Thus, having children exposed early to this kind of images and activities of sexual harassment as being a normal practice.
Furthermore, ads do not directly cause violence, but the images of violence accumulate and objectify the increasing of violence. According to The Global Report on Women’s Human Rights, “Domestic violence is a leading cause of female injury in almost every country in the world and is typically ignored by the state or only erratically punished.”(585). Nonetheless, men are still susceptible to sexual abuse, but the difference in cultures makes it inflexible to take seriously. Consequently why boys are less possible to report the abuse and get the counseling or treatment needed.
I approve of Kilbourne’s claim, aggression in men is not always visible but it is present; men by nature are masculine and a form of masculinity is in aggression that men will pursue women and due to trends and ads do they become more accepted by society that in the end shape us. On the other hand, I disagree with Kilbourne saying that is dehumanizes the female body, that women are said to be the victims in most cases because it is more than likely true, yet these ads are not bullet proof system that force us to act in such a way women know, men know. Everyone should be aware that business is never to get personal; these ads are compelling to sell a product in which they use these kinds of ads because of the rise in consumer ratings will benefit the marketing company, money can make people do a lot of things.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Rhetorical Analysis 2

Title: "From Fly-Girls to Bitches and Hos"

Author: Joan Morgan

Date: 1999

Topic: Sexism in the Hip-Hop lyrics

Exigence: The misogyny of rap is bad in the black community it is stressed that it has to be confronted, as well as understood. That it would ascend in attending the pain that it both expresses and inflicts.

Intended audience: To those whom listen to Hip-Hop/Rap and ponder on the reasons why women are put down so often in the lyric.

Purpose: To stop sexism in lyrics, and inform others to understand the reasons behind modern rap/hip-hop music

Claim: Joan Morgan claims that because of oppressive behavior in the black community reflects in their music.

Evidence: " The leading cause of death among black men ages fifteen to twenty-four is homicide. The majority of them will die at the hands of other black men"(602).
Notorious B.I.G.'s debut album Ready to Die; emphasized on the urban soldier and living phat, the hustler's life journey. In "Everyday Struggle": I don't want to live no more / Sometimes I see death knockin' at my front door expresses his pain, regret and depression which led to to suicide in the end of the album.

Rhetorical Analysis

Writer's Strategy 1: Pathos
Writer's Strategy 2: Description as evidence
Writer's Strategy 3: Cause and effect

Reader effect 1: Morgan quotes lyrics to help understand better
Reader effect 2: She uses facts to show how much violence is in these people's lives
Reader effect 3: Personal experience as a black woman to give a different perspective on these issues that affect her life.

Response: Hip-hop/rap is freedom to express thoughts, ideas, anything can be said, nobody can limit us to express our emotions. If you listen carefully to the lyrics, rappers tell different stories in a single song it doesn't focus on one subject, it is different events put together that reflect there struggle or say a night in the presidential suite with nothing but bitches getting drunk. It is truly difficult to understand what they had to endure coming up and I can tell you that all have said fuck this bitch and fuck that ho. But they are not talking about every female as being that, they reflect back to incidents and talk about the women that made them feel that way and I am positive not every female has been with a rapper, although they could pretty much get any bad bitch that they want because of there status on high up in the industry they are; money talks. This is the new hip-hop culture, expressing anger and ignorance, cause the general audience can relate about a one night stand or the time they got hurt by a "bitch"(That is not always a female) or about making a scheme to make money double up and playing girls like a sport, shit, I know I do. Its freedom of expression, why try to limit it because a black feminist thought it was hurting her, it wont stop, this is a new Era, follow the slang..


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Readers Response 2

  In the essay "Bros Before Hos": The Guy Code, Michael Kimmel a Sociologist, mentions the meaning of what it is to be masculine and how it is currently relevant to males now a days. He investigates males between the ages of 16- 26, and focuses on the "Code" that guys are expected to follow. He begins stating a list of conduct that men say and should live by. His emphasis that all men are to be tough and show no emotion or any sign of them being weak in any foreseeable way, this is the "Code"; "The unifying emotional subtext that all of these aphorism involves never showing emotions or admitting to weakness"(609). And whats most intriguing about it is that these rules have changed very little, in comparison to that of studies done by Social Psychologist Robert Brannon, in 1976.
  From Kimmel's research and observations of asking several young men across the nation, as well as overseas, what there own construction of "manhood" was. He concluded that we come to learn these behaviors from coaches, grandfathers and uncles because they constantly stress, and ideally reflect masculinity. Applying much effort to their manhood to be "man among men", not to impress women; according to noted playwright David Mamet, women have a low place in a mans' mind, "What men need is men's approval"(611). Criticism is always present Kimmel mentions "Gender Police": guys are constantly on alert to catch one another "slipping", the slightest misstep and you will receive a ticket. Subsequently leading to put-downs that borderline our masculinity and femininity, the most common "that's so gay". That even women can perceive it and often say that if a guy is listening rather than looking at her rack, lacking masculinity for not showing sexual interest, they frame them as being gay. In addition to the gender police comes Homophobia, the fear of other men, genuinely that other men would apprehend it as failure, weakness and unmanly. He argues that wealth, power, status, strength, physicality are characteristics derived as proof that one is not gay as the single cardinal rule of manhood.
  I agree with Michael Kimmel that this is not by any means biological and that it is our influence of decision. That boys are taught through society to act like men. As a kid I did not have much of a father figure, on account of my father checked out when I was about four years old, my mom being the only one left to care for me primarily just did the nurturing. Raised by own interpretation of a man, I spent most of the hours of the day on the field, in the streets "kicking it" with different crowds; boys from the hood getting rowdy causing havoc. Through experiences and from my friends dads' did I come to pick up on some extra feed back of what it was be a man in a very basic way, like doing yard work, that pretty much all the indoor work was for the women and the more thick-skinned work was to be done by the man. From playing sports I collectively understood that a man had to be tough, to be ruthless and yet look presentable. By not knowing anything about being a man I came to have lots of knowledge, like a whiteboard that started blank and ended with writing all over.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Final Draft

Fernando Guevara
Stacey Knapp
English 1A
8 October 2012
Op-Ed: Prop 30
            Education in America is key, education after high school is an opportunity for those pursuing a higher education; a chance to broader choices of careers. For years our economy has been struggling, forcing the states to cutback. When state spending declines it takes a negative impact on schools, more so in California schools than other states in our country. According to analysis by the California Budget Project; California has recorded a historic low on public school spending because of budget shortfalls. A decade ago, the state lagged behind about $700 per student spending a gap that has been steadily getting enhanced. Currently, ranking 46th in the United States in K-12 per student spending, whether more spending means for better school, California has spent $2,856 less than the rest of our nation in money spent per student in 2010-2011. Although, the figures are concerning due to California’s greater number of students it faces many trials than other states in America. Senior policy analyst at the project Jonathan Kaplan and author of the report states “The fact there are more students per teacher in California classrooms than any other state in the nation means there’s less attention that can be placed on students with particular needs”(School Finance Facts). It is clear that with California’s great amount of population it is more challenging to teach and yet we are continuing to constantly spend less to discourse those specific needs. Education is the gateway to a prosperous future.
            At one time academics were California’s strong suit. Public schools were good at meeting the set standards and having great test scores, really good quality education. But today the educational system is just a shadow of what it once was, considering all of the cuts that have been made and more cuts to the educational system that are said to happen this upcoming year. Fortunately, California governor Jerry Brown has added proposition 30 to the November 6 ballot; this measure is an incentive to avoid future cuts, as well as a constitutional initiative of repairing the deficit, meaning that prop 30 would alter the states constitution. Proposition 30, if passed, will increase personal income-tax of 1-3 percent on Californians’ making over 250,000 dollars annually and for joint filers making over 500,000 dollars per year for seven years. This increase in income-tax will crudely affect one percent of Californians’. In addition, California’s sales-tax would also increase by a quarter of a cent for four years to be in effect January 1, 2013. That money raised in new revenue will go towards K-12 schools, community colleges and public safety. Eighty-nine percent of the temporary tax would be distributed to K-12 schools, leaving the other eleven percent to community colleges. Furthermore, Proposition 30 inspires public safety. Proposition 30 would guarantee funding to local governments for public safety, counties that are undergoing the new realignment program to ease the overcrowding in state prisons. After, when the polls are closed, votes have been counted repeatedly, and prop 30 did not have enough votes to pass, we will be facing an estimate of 6 billion dollars in “trigger cuts” to many programs in California like rehabilitation programs for the sick, etc. Another, unfortunate increase in tuition would take place resulting in a decrease of enrollment by a near 12,000 students.
Also referred to as Jerry Brown’s Tax Measure, those opposing say this proposition gives the Sacramento politicians a blank check without requiring budget, a pension or an education reform. They argue that proposition 30 is just another schema to raise more money for politicians that we either raise the tax or have no other alternative but to deal with the consequence of more cuts to be made if we do not pass this ballot. Additionally, they claim that our politicians authorized the “bullet train” to be build, an approximate 5 billion dollars in funds that we should be spending on schools. It does not guarantee one dollar to go towards education, proposition 30 is not what it seems. These critics argue Californians’ are being misled that we will never really know where the money goes. But these critics ignore the fact that the money raised from this measure will be deposited into the Educational Protection Account or EPA.
            Like I stated previously, education is key to a prosperous future. I am a current college student this debate in our state affects me directly as well as all other college student. Although, I am not an expert on this subject, doing research I have informed myself on key points of good arguments for and arguments against proposition 30. As a student supporting this ballot is critical, my goals of transferring have been set me back because of all the cuts that have been made and all the cuts that will take place if California governor Jerry Browns’ proposition 30: to raise a temporary taxes to fund education for K-12, community colleges, and public safety  where to not pass.
            College students face restrictions when trying to retake courses, adding on to the increase of fees at all community colleges that have raised in the past year alone from 26 dollars in the spring session of last year to now a 46 dollar for unit in fall of 2012. What is the best direction for California to go? I am ready to stand for this cause, who is with me?

Works Cited
“Proposition 30” Temporary Taxes to Fund Education. Guaranteed Local Public Safety.  2012. Web.  8 October 2012.
“School Finance Facts” California Budget Project. 2011. Web. 8 October 2012.
 “Temporary Taxes to Fund Education. Guaranteed Local Public Safety Funding” Education Budget. 2012. Web. 8 October 2012.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

rough draft

Fernando Guevara
Stacey Knapp
English 1A
8 October 2012
Rough Draft
            Education in America is key, education after high school is an opportunity for those pursuing a higher education; a chance to broader life of careers. For years our economy has been struggling, forcing the states to cutback. When state spending declines it takes a negative impact on schools, a total of 85,393 public schools, more so in California schools than other states in our country. According to analysis by the California Budget Project; California has recorded a historic low on public school spending because of budget shortfalls. A decade ago, the state lagged behind about $700 per student spending a gap that has been steadily getting enhanced. Currently, ranking 46th in the United States in K-12 per student spending, whether more spending means for better school, California has spent $2,856 less than the rest of our nation in money spent per student in 2010-2011. Although, the figures are concerning due to California’s greater number of students it faces many trials than other states in America. Senior policy analyst at the project Jonathan Kaplan and author of the report states “The fact there are more students per teacher in California classrooms than any other state in the nation means there’s less attention that can be placed on students with particular needs.” It is clear that with California’s great amount of population it is more challenging to teach and yet we are continuing to constantly spend less to discourse those specific needs. Education is the gateway to a prosperous future.
            At one time academics were California’s strong suit. Public schools were good at meeting the set standards and having great test scores, really good quality education. But today the educational system is just a shadow of what it once was, considering all of the cuts that have been made and more cuts to the educational system that are said to happen this upcoming year. Fortunately, California governor Jerry Brown has added proposition 30 to the November 6 ballot; this measure is an incentive to avoid future cuts, as well as a constitutional initiative of repairing the deficit, meaning that prop 30 would alter the states constitution. Proposition 30, if passed, will increase personal income-tax of 1-3 percent on Californians’ making over 250,000 dollars annually and for joint filers making over 500,000 dollars per year for seven years. This increase in income-tax will crudely affect one percent of Californians’. In addition, California’s sales-tax would also increase by a quarter of a cent for four years to be in effect January 1, 2013. That money raised in new revenue will go towards K-12 schools, community colleges and public safety. Eighty-nine percent of the temporary tax would be distributed to K-12 schools, leaving the other eleven percent to community colleges. Furthermore, Proposition 30 inspires public safety. Proposition 30 would guarantee funding to local governments for public safety, counties that are undergoing the new realignment program to ease the overcrowding in state prisons. After, when the polls are closed, votes have been counted repeatedly, and prop 30 did not have enough votes to pass, we will be facing an estimate of 6 billion dollars in “trigger cuts” to many programs in California like rehabilitation programs for the sick, etc. Another, unfortunate increase in tuition would take place resulting in a decrease of enrollment by a near 12,000 students.
Also referred to as Jerry Brown’s Tax Measure, those opposing say this proposition gives the Sacramento politicians a blank check without requiring budget, a pension or an education reform. They argue that proposition 30 is just another schema to raise more money for politicians that we either raise the tax or have no other alternative but to deal with the consequence of more cuts to be made if we do not pass this ballot. Additionally, they claim that our politicians authorized the “bullet train” to be build, an approximate 5 billion dollars in funds that we should be spending on schools. It does not guarantee one dollar to go towards education, proposition 30 is not what it seems. These critics argue Californians’ are being misled that we will never really know where the money goes. But these critics ignore the fact that the money raised from this measure will be deposited into the Educational Protection Account or EPA.
            Like I stated previously, education is key to a prosperous future. I am a current college student this debate in our state affects me directly as well as all other college student. Although, I am not an expert on this subject, doing research I have informed myself on key points of good arguments for and arguments against proposition 30. As a student supporting this ballot is critical, my goals of transferring have been set me back because of all the cuts that have been made and all the cuts that will take place if California governor Jerry Browns’ proposition 30: to raise a temporary taxes to fund education for K-12, community colleges, and public safety  where to not pass.
            College students face restrictions when trying to retake courses, adding on to the increase of fees at all community colleges that have raised in the past year alone from 26 dollars in the spring session of last year to now a 46 dollar for unit in fall of 2012. What is the best direction for California to go? I am ready to stand for this cause, who is with me?

Monday, October 1, 2012


Title: Pros and Cons of Prop 30

Author: I am a 19 year old student, currently attending a publicly funded community college, with support of financial aid.

Date: October 1, 2012

Topic: Proposition 30 is a temporary agreement for a tax-increase of one-quarter cent in sales tax and an increase on personal income tax for those making over $250,000 to help fund public schools, K-14, and guaranteed public safety.

Exigence: California once the most recognized education systems, now suffering a state-wide budget deficit is in need of funding to avoid an even bigger deficit of $6 billion in cuts to public funded schools, that depend from the state.

Intended Audience: General Public

Purpose: Inform California about Prop 30

Claim: YES on Prop 30

Logos: California's prop 30, raising sales-tax by one-quarter cent for four years, and an increase of personal income-tax for those making over $250,000 annually for seven years. The possibilities of prop 30 passing will help to fund public schools, K-12, including community colleges that are dependent of the State. $6 billion in new revenues, money that is very much needed for these California schools. Preventing layoffs, enrollment cuts, and classroom cuts, all this if voted in at the November primaries. Those opposing proposition 30 say, it is bad for the state, that if this ballot where to pass will destroy small business , and add there is no guarantee the money collected from these new taxes will go to fund education .

Ethos: I am a current college student, this debate in our state affects me directly as well as all other college student. Although, I am not an expert on this subject, doing research I have informed myself on key points of good arguments for and against proposition 30. As a student supporting this ballot is critical, my goals of transferring might have to be set back on account of all the cuts that have been made and all the cuts that will take place if proposition 30 where to not pass.

Pathos: College students face restrictions when trying to retake courses, adding on to the increase of fees at all community colleges that have raised in the past year alone from $26 in the spring session to now a $46 for unit in fall of 2012. What is the best direction for California to go?

Monday, September 24, 2012

Annotated Bibliography

Ballot Measure: Temporary Taxes to Fund Education.Guaranteed Local Public Safety Funding. Education Fund. Web. 20 September 2012

Any tax-increase would be voted into law by the people, a promise made by California Governor Brown when he was campaigning for his election. Prop 30 is an agreement for a temporary tax-increase to fund money for Schools and Public Safety. A YES vote on this proposition means: The State of California would increase PIT(Personal Income Tax) on high-income tax payers for seven years and would increase the sales tax for 4 years. This measure if passed would also fund programs in the state budget, an increase of one-quarter cent on sales-tax, and a maximum of (9.3%) to (12.3%) on PIT. This is Governor Brown's plan to raise sales-tax and income taxes to address the state budget deficit.

Temporary Taxes to Fund Education. Guaranteed Public Safety Funding. Initiative Constitutional Amendment. Legislative Analyst's Office, 18 Jul. 2012. Web. 28 Sept. 2012.

The back-up plan to proposition 30 if declined by California voters, a cut in the state budget. To be more specific the triggered cuts would be to education programs, affecting the needs of public schools and potentially resulting in a longer deficit of cash. Future of this ballot if not passed will result in no tax increase, but major changes to state budget and the way we fund will take drastic cuts. NO, for this proposition results in no tax increase, with results of cuts of about $6 billion and the majority of the spending cut will come from public schools K-14 that are funded by the state.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Prop 30

Readers Response

In Idiot Nation, Michael Moore, focuses on American Education. The author mentions many defects in the Education System, that a high percent of Americans cannot read beyond a fourth-grade level, that corporations like "Coke" have taken over American classrooms. Sponsoring the schools for funds but in return that these big corporations, worth millions of dollars, sell their product on school campuses. Sold to over a thousand teens nation wide and only a slight percent of the money raised, which is still a sufficient load of money, goes to the school for maintenance or other materials needed to keep school in session and running properly. Also, he refers to our nations leaders in the legislature who refuse to fund the schools, hold teachers accountable for students education. But they do not take into account that the material and literature being taught is out dated and does not flow with former issues being taught in up to date facilities that have the proper funding. The politicians according to Moore are illiterate themselves, he gives many examples of high ranking officials; for example he mentions how an ambassador failed to name the country's prime minister and capital in a Senate confirmation hearing, "Not a problem" he was admitted either way. I would imagine that our nations leaders would give more attention to education because our "kids are our future leaders of tomorrow",so they say when they step in front of a camera or in an interview regarding education. So I feel that it would make sense to them to give American classrooms the proper sources to properly inform, teach, the students that in the mere future will be taking over their positions, doing the same line of work there doing now.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Week One

The poem " Para Teresa" by Inez Hernandez-Avila was written in both Spanish and English because she was a Latina female in Texas around the time of the Alamo in 1947. Also, the name of her school, the " Alamo" at the time when she was in sixth grade gives a clue of why she wrote the poem in the two languages, and some has to do with the history of the Battle of the Alamo. Prior to the Battle of the Alamo, Texas was a territory of the southern country, Mexico. Latinos at the time where known to speak Spanish, but when the battle began, some Texans where left to decide between rebelling against the troops of Mexico or joining the Texans in there rebellion. Those descendants who where bred in the new America after the battle took place had to adapt to a different kind of system. Education being one of the many, like Hernandez-Avila attended class learning English, grammar and writing, but when the author and her classmates got home from a day at school, they would practice there native language Spanish. So when she wrote the poem a couple years later, her background reflected that Avila showed emotion from my point of view in writing in both languages showing her pride in her culture. Other reasons why I think she might have wrote the poem in two languages is in the name of the title " Para Teresa" meaning, for Teresa. Inez Hernandez-Avila describes Teresa to be "Pachuca" (Zoot-Suit), to have teased black hair with a hint of red, wearing red lipstick and petticoats in the poem. At the time Zoot-suiters where identified as Mexican-American in a different class between civilians and United States servicemen. Pachucos' where relatively known as juvenile gangs. Gangs from my perspective have a character when speaking. They speak in combination of both English and Spanish, Spanglish, which was why I also thought that Inez wrote it in both languages, she wanted to reach out to her culture and to appeal to a larger audience than that of her roots.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

I am and gifts

I am optimistic about many things. It is a virtue but can also be a bad trait that I have because not always seeing both sides of the conflict can help me out in a sense that I am making the right choices. I question myself about many things, even the smallest of issues can take me away from reality to try and unfold the problem. Although I challenge my own thoughts at times, I am focused on what I want to accomplish. My goals are clear to me and thats what matters most, but my family is above all. I am the man to this day in light of the way I was raised, incidents I have been through, and shit that I have seen that has shaped me to have an open mind; to accept the way things are and live day by day. Also, I am a fairly easy person to get along with, I am not much of a talker I mostly observe my surroundings, speak when I have to, but when I do sometimes I say more than I should on certain topics. Many of the gifts that I could bring to the classroom are being helpful, respectful, participate –rarely, mostly when no one will volunteer I will step-up.– An aptitude about me is I play football for cabrillo, and I am bi-lingual I speak both Spanish and English.